Passion Fruit and Cape gooseberry are Colombia's new promising fruits

The new trades seek to consolidate international markets, such as Mexico and the USA. Both Passion Fruit and Cape gooseberry have registered increases in exports during 2022.
The Colombian fruit export market continues to reactivate and grow. One of the strategies of several entities is to do so with the promising fruits produced there.
This comes along with a drive to consolidate in international markets. According to reports from ProColombia and the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), the ten most exported fruits are the following:
The main destinations for this exports are the following countries :
According to Catalina Hernández, vice-president of Exports of ProColombia, both Cape gooseberry and passion fruit have great potential.
As for the first one, between January and July there was an increase of 5.6% in exports, reaching US$ 21.5 million. Recently explored markets include Mexico, Singapore, Brazil and Panama. Admissibility was obtained in Mexico. Although exports to that market have not yet been registered, studies have been shared with companies to support Colombian exporters in their internationalization processes.
Passion fruit, on the other hand, grew by 25.8% during the first seven months of the year, registering US$30.7 million.
For this fruit, admissibility in the U.S. is a priority. Additionally, Italy was the market that showed the most growth during the first half of 2022.
Hernández also advises that, in order to reach international markets more efficiently, exotic fruit producers must adapt their supply to the requirements of these markets. Sustainability, detailed information on the products and a constant relationship with commercial partners are key. The latter is crucial in order to be aware of new forms of consumption and channels.
Hernández also explains that, because they are Colombian exotic fruits, other countries do not know how to consume them. For this reason, it is essential that the exporter and promotion entities support the process of educating and raising awareness in international markets.
How to achieve export success?
The Colombian Fruit and Vegetable Association (ASOHOFRUCOL) says that to ensure success in the export sector and encourage exports, they provide comprehensive technical assistance from planting to marketing.
They provide technical and financial resources in their certification processes regarding the quality seals required by the markets.
The ASOHOFRUCOL also helps strengthen the entrepreneurship of producers, they promote commercial approaches to link producers with formal allies that aim to export and provide training in relevant technical aspects for proper harvesting and post-harvesting.
Alejandro Ángel, general manager of Caribbean Exotics, points out that these fruits are so sought after for their flavor, color, aroma, texture and high nutritional content.
Caribbean Exotics is a leading company in the sector with more than 30 years of experience exporting exotic fruits to 16 countries.
For example, Cape gooseberries are a source of vitamin A (3,000 I.U. of carotene per 100 grams), vitamin C, vitamin B complex, protein (0.3%) and phosphorus (55%). Research has shown that it may help prevent diabetes when consumed.
Additionally, passion fruit is a source of antioxidants, healthy fats, calcium, phosphorus, iron and is rich in fiber and vitamins A, B and C.
"Thanks to the marketing strategy, Caribbean Exotics can ensure the supply of such fruits 365 days a year. Our suppliers are located in the best regions where soil conditions are optimal, so we can guarantee their quality standard,” Angel said.
“In recent years we have reached Saudi Arabia for the first time, although according to information from the sector, these Colombian fruits also reach Lebanon and the Czech Republic.
“Other countries such as Holland, Germany, Canada, France, Spain and the United Arab Emirates have had significant growth in recent years." Angel concluded.