India to adopt South African grape varieties

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India to adopt South African grape varieties

An Indian grape growers' group plans to overcome long cultivation periods by importing South African table grape varieties, publication The Times of India reported.

Maharashtra Grape Growers' Association vice-president Ashok Gaikwad told a Nashik district the focus would be on open variety grapes, given the royalty costs of patent varieties.

"These varieties include white, black and red in both seed and seedless categories.Efforts will also be made to supply these varieties to maximum farmers in a short period," Gaikwad was quoted as saying.

Nashik District Grape Growers' Association president Vijay Gadakh, told The Times of India that local varieties took around four months to develop and required a lot of pruning.

"The pruning is generally done in September or October. Most of the time, monsoon affects the vineyards in September. Hence, we were in search of those varieties that can be developed in a period of less than three months and will require less pruning," he was quoted as saying.

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