Argentina: Patagonian pome fruit harvest kicks off

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Argentina: Patagonian pome fruit harvest kicks off

Argentina's pear harvest began in the RĂ­o Negro province this week starting with the Red Clapp's variety, website reported. peras-rojas_51031324 small

The country's National Agricultural Technology Institute (INTA) informed the website that the Patagonian Regional Program for Ripening had established the season's harvest calendar, which kicked off in the Alto Valley on Dec. 25.

The INTA has labeled the calendar as 'indicative' but growers are not obliged to follow it.

Red Clapp's will be followed by several other early varieties before the first harvest of William's pears on Jan. 4, with other key varieties to start later such as Red Bartlett (Jan. 14), Red D'Anjou (Jan. 22), Abate Fetel (Jan. 29), Packham's Triumph (Feb. 1), Beurre Bosc (Feb. 12), Forelle (Feb. 14) and Winter Bartlett (Mar. 9).

The region's earliest apple, the Tydeman variety, is due for harvest on Jan. 5, with Galas starting on Jan. 17, followed by Red Delicious and Golden Delicious (Feb. 9), Granny Smith (Mar. 1), Braeburn (Mar. 5) Fuji (Mar. 11) and Cripps Pink (Mar. 28).

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