Agreement abates Andean avocado animosity

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Agreement abates Andean avocado animosity

Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) has decided to withdraw restrictions on Peruvian avocado imports, after the northern neighbor's industry threatened a World Trade Organization (WTO) petition. avocado growers Cajamarca small- regioncajamarca gob pe

Peruvian avocado group ProHass told website that phytosanitary authorities from the two countries had reached an agreement to respect the draft protocol that did not mention obligations to treat sunblotch, the principal concern for Chilean growers.

"At not one moment did SAG tell us it would regulate sunblotch, and rightly so because it was not within its initial proposal. What happened was that they could see evidence that it could happen due to pressure from Chilean growers," ProHass general maanger Arturo Medina was quoted as saying.

Despite the agreement, Medina told the website his association would be watching to ensure SAG national director Aníbal Ariztía delivered on her word in submitting the final draft protocol next week.

"We will see what comes. We want to see her proposal in black and white to see if we accept it or not. If sunblotch remains excluded then we are in agreement," Media told the news site.

Related stories: Peru threatens WTO action over Chilean avocado requirements

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