First Aussie grapes arrive in Japan

Australia's produce industry has clocked its second export milestone in Asia in April, with the arrival of three containers of table grapes in Japan.
Last week the Australian and Japanese governments reached an historic free trade agreement (FTA), while the Tasmanian industry managed to send its first apples to China.
Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce said market access to Japan was a welcome boost for his country's AUD$82 million (US$76.7 million) table grape export industry, following on from access to the South Korean market in December last year.
"According to industry figures, the Japanese market could be worth up to (AUD)$40 million (US$37.4 million) over the next three to five years," Joyce said in a release.
"This is the sort of tangible outcome of our international trade and market access efforts that will help deliver better returns to the farmgate.
"Japan is one of Australia’s top export markets for horticultural produce, including citrus and mangoes, and I hope we will be adding table grapes to that list in the coming years."
Australian Table Grape Association Inc (ATGA) chief executive officer Jeff Scott said partnership between industry and government was important in achieving the new market access.
"Our grapes are world-class. This industry meets the challenges of working in an international marketplace and is in a strong position to compete with international competitors, and imports into Australia," Scott said.
"Our access to the Japanese market is great news for the Australian table grape industry and will help our industry to continue to grow."
The release said quarantine import requirements agreed with Japan concern the control of fruit flies through cold disinfestations.
"Last week, negotiations concluded on the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA), which will deliver a significant boost to Australian farmers. Japan has remained Australia’s largest export market for a wide range of agrifood products for over four decades, worth around $4 billion a year," Joyce added.
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Australia reaches FTA with Japan