State of the Market - Week 16, 2014

As part of a new alliance with Chile-based consultancy Decofrut, will be publishing a weekly 'State of the Market' report on the trends to watch in key markets for fruit suppliers. The first installment is for Week 16, which finished Friday, April 18. The report comes in two parts - a quick summary arranged by fruit category, followed by in-depth market-based graphics.
Sales prices for bi-colored Chilean apples were higher in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland this week than in the previous season. In the U.S., placements varied depending on the type of formated used, with similar prices year-on-year for trays and bags of less than three pounds. In Europe, sales prices were slightly lower than during the 2013 season.
There was low availability of Italian and Californian kiwifruit in different markets, while the Chilean season began with lower volumes year-on-year.
In Europe, import pear demand remained limited and the supply of local fruit continued to lead sales, with much lower prices.
Plum supply was reduced in both the U.S. and Europe, as the Chilean campaign drew to a close with higher prices year-on-year.
Table Grapes
The Chilean table grape season in the U.S. and Europe is finishing up, with a slow reduction in arriavl volumes for different varieties. Meanwhile, in the Far East the first peak in arrivals was registered.
Decofrut/edited by is not responsible for the information provided by State of the Market. The contents only reflect analysis carried out by Decofrut.