Chile: Strike lifted in Valparaiso

The operators of Chile's Port of Valparaiso have announced that work has returned to normal since 11:15am today, calming concerns that late season table grape exporters would be jeopardized by the strike action.
Yesterday, some 500 workers announced an indefinite strike in protest against new provisions from the Customs Service to attend to clean cargo in the Zone of Extension and Logistical Support (ZEAL) in Valparaiso rather than in the city port.
Casual worker unions said the provisions would affect the terminals' competitiveness.
In a release, the Port of Valparaiso said the functioning of the Valparaiso port system would "completely normalize", keeping a promise of competitiveness and efficiency for foreign trade.
The Chilean Fruit Growers Federation (Fedefruta) highlighted the importance of the resolution, with the hope the conflict has been solved in the best way for everyone involved.
"As we were sending our declaration about the port strike in Valparaiso [this morning], denouncing the seriousness and complexity of the situation, the Empresa Portuaria Valparaíso informed us that the mobilization of workers had finished," the group said.
"This understanding between the parties involved seems very positive to us, and we hope that the differences over the management of clean cargo in Valparaiso can be resolved in the best way by the authorities, companies, workers and terminal users."