Market Pulse week 50 - 2011

Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 50— 2011 (Dec. 16)


In North America, trading in the U.S. was not influenced by Christmas celebrations.

In Latin America, new price adjustments were reported in Chile, while average sales pace returned in Argentina.

In Northern Europe, moderate market activity was registered.


In North America,the U.S. market responded well to blueberry supply and fast sales paces was registered. However, there was concern among importers about high Chilean arrivals forecast during the week.

In Europe, higher trading activity was favored for before Christmas.

In Asia, price adjustments were seen for Southern Hemisphere supply in Hong Kong and China.


In North America, shipping arrivals led to significant price adjustments in the U.S.

In Latin America, markets remained stable.

In Northern Europe, a moderate sales pace continued.

In Asia, importers were expecting Chilean arrivals by boat.


In North America, the first Chilean peach and nectarine sales were registered in the U.S.

In Northern Europe, the market situation remained stable while moderate sales pace was reported in the U.K.

Table Grapes

In North America, the first Chilean grapes were traded in the U.S., while condition problems were seen with the Brazilian Festival variety, leading to difficulties with fruit placement.

In Latin America, imported a good sales pace continued for Red Globes in Colombia.

In Europe, white seedless grape supply was insufficient to meet high demand during hte period.

In Asia, high stocks of U.S. Red Globes were recorded while there was a low availability of Peruvian grapes.

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