Dominican Republic places 27 pesticides on restriction list
The Dominican Republic Ministry of Agriculture has passed a resolution to ban five pesticides and restrict the application of 22 on the country's farms, website reported.
A government release said the resolution aimed to improve control systems and the use of pesticides on fruit and vegetables, in a bid to ensure products met international quality standards.
Under the resolution's article one, the ban on use and sale will apply to pesticides acephate, aldicarb, methamidophos, monocrotophos and omethoate.
Meanwhile, the resolution also establishes that certain pesticides will have a restricted use in agriculture, including: amitraz, carbofuran, chlorfenapyr, chlorpyrifos, diafenthiuron, diazinon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, endosulfan, imidacloprid, malathion, methiocarb, methomyl, oxamyl, profenofos, dicofol, benomyl, carbendazim, fenamidone, propiconazole, thiabendazole and thiacloprid.
The story reported the recommendations were made by the Department of Plant Health's Phytosanitary Network.
Article four of the resolution says growers who have inventories of the banned pesticides, or had approved imports of them before the new law, would need to contact the department's pesticide division.
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Photo: Hora Digital