Brazil to cut pesticide deaths with farmer education campaign

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Brazil to cut pesticide deaths with farmer education campaign

Brazil has launched a national awareness program for fruit and vegetable farmers on pesticide use to reduce it as the largest cause of death by contamination, website reported.

Agrochemical company IHARA is investing BRL$2.8 million (US$1.56 million) to bring training events to 13 municipalities with the worst incidence of agrochemical poisoning.

The iniative has the support of Brazil's agriculture ministry as well as research institutes, toxicologists and rural unions.

It is planned the scheme will be extended to a total of 45 municipalities, six of which are in the São Paulo area, by 2016.

IHARA agronomist Rodrigo Naime Salvador, said his company was targeting cities where farming was done on a small scale.

"These are citieswith a predominance of small producers and family farmers with crops that require large numbers of sprays, especially for fruit and vegetables," he was quoted as saying.

The program includes lectures and field activities for farmers, correct application of pesticides and the use of protective equipment. Health workers will also be trained to identify and treat cases of poisoning as well as educating community leaders.

Related stories: Brazil gets tough on supermarket pesticide levels

Photo: Hora Digital

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