Market Pulse Week 10 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 10 — 2012 (Mar. 9)
In North America, the first price list of imported Royal Gala was registered.
In Latin America, low volumes of small-sized Royal Galas remained in Colombia.
In Europe, the first price list of imported Royal Gala was registered.
In North America, positive sales resulted in higher supplier prices.
In Latin America, prices increased in Argentina due to a drop in Hass imports.
In Europe, Israeli avocados showed quality problems which resulted in lower U.K. prices.
In North America, good conditioned fruit reported stable prices and active trading.
In Europe, the Mediterranean season started with limited volumes arriving from Holland. In the U.K. sales prices were affected by Chilean fruit condition and remained moderate.
In Asia, moderate sales were reported in Hong Kong and mainland China with low availability of Chilean blueberries.
In North America, Argentina is gaining market space in the U.S. to the detriment of the last Chilean lots.
In Latin America, stable trading continued in Brazil and Colombia.
In Europe, the dometic pear situation continued to be complicated with Southern Hemisphere supply compatible with sales activity.
In North America, nectarine supply exceeds demand in the U.S. but prices don't reflect this.
In Latin America, only nectarine inventories continued in Brazil and only plums in Colombia.
In Europe, rain and lower temperatures have discouraged consumption on both the Continent and in the U.K.
In Asia, Chile dominated the market in volumes with Australia and South Africa registering arrivals.
Table Grapes
In North America, good trading occurred in the U.S. with the exception of black seedless varieties which registered low sales pace.
In Latin America, Chilean Thompson Seedless reported active sales pace in Brazil and Colombia, while Chilean Red Globe registered price increases. Chilean Red Globe trading continued to be active in Mexico.
In Europe, fruit movement was low with old lots unsold.
In Asia, Chilean Thompson Seedless showed moderate trading in Hong Kong and mainland China.
Photo: SAG
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