Great task ahead for Chilean avocados in Brazil

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Great task ahead for Chilean avocados in Brazil

After five years of negotiations Chile has finally reached the phytosanitary requirements to export avocados to Brazil, but boosting consumption will be the challenge.

Adolfo Ochagavia

Chilean Hass Avocado Committee president Adolfo OchagavĂ­a tells the Brazilian market is very familiar with Antillian greenskin variety abacate, known as a cheap fruit, while Hass consumption is scarce.

"We estimate it could be 500 (metric) tons a year, which means there is a big task ahead of promotions and public relations to expand consumption," he says.

He says the promotions will need to start next season as Chile's 2011-12 shipments are finishing.

"It is difficult to estimate a volume a priori - consumption is very low in that country."

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