Market Pulse Week 22 - 2012
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 22 — 2012 (Jun. 1)
In North America, New Zealand supplied the U.S. market with Royal Galas while Chile turned its supply to controlled atmosphere.
In Europe, given the conditions with Chilean supply, South Africa had more competitive pricing with Granny Smiths.
In the Middle East, the market remained steady.
In North America, U.S. Hass sales were described as adequate.
In Latin America, stable market activity was reported in Chile and Argentina.
In Europe, better sales were seen in France with the decrease in Hass volumes.
Easy Peelers
In Europe, price rises were seen for clementines.
In Asia, a lack of color was detected in some South African fruit batches, leading to a drop in prices.
In North America, issues with fruit condition in some batches led to a drop off in the price level for Chilean supply.
In Latin America, cold weather led to a slowdown in sales in Brazil.
In Europe, markets remained stable while New Zealand kiwifruit were well-received in the U.K.
In Asia, consumption increased with New Zealand arrivals.
In continental Europe and the U.K., Spanish supply dominated the market. In Russia, stable sales continued for Argentine lemons.
In continental Europe and Russia, Mediterranean supply was dominant.
In North America, the Chilean green pear season was about to finish.
In Europe, the last batches of Chilean Packham's were sold.
In North America, moderate sales rates were seen for Chilean supply.
In Europe, good movement was seen for both Peruvian and Chilean lots.
Table Grapes
In North America, high Mexican Flame S volumes put pressure on Chilean Crimson S prices.
In Latin America, price adjustments were registered for Chilean Thompson S supply due to condition problems.
In Europe, the Southern Hemisphere season was almost finished, with active sales for Chilean Red Globes.
In the Middle East, the Southern Hemisphere season was almost finished, with active sales for Chilean Red Globes.
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