NZ kiwifruit suppliers face tough times over Psa

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NZ kiwifruit suppliers face tough times over Psa

New Zealand growers are running out of funds to employ contractors to safeguard their vines with protective spray, leading to redundancies in the sector.

Contract sprayer Ranfurly Orchard Services has had to lay off three staff and sell two of its eight NZ$170,000 (US$136,560) spraying machines because farmers can no longer afford the service.

Owner Bob Cook said business was down 40% now compared with the same period last year, and it was difficult to predict what was going to happen next.

"This is probably a situation where I have never been so unsure as to what is in front of me. It's impossible to talk financiers and say 'this is what we are going to achieve´," he told

He said the Gold kiwifruit crop in Te Puke accounted for 25% of his business, but this had been halted as growers have had to cut back their vines.

"It will be at least another season before regrafts of the new variety will need spraying by a contractor," he said.

He said in the wake of Psa farmers went into panic mode and were asking for 15-20 sprays a season. However, now they are trying to cut down on costs by using protective copper and biological sprays themselves.

He said once the peak spraying period of August is over he may have to let more staff go depending on future work demand.

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