Water shortage to impact Indian export grape deal

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Water shortage to impact Indian export grape deal

Rains in September have led to slight damages for India's early season grapes, but a Maharashtrian farmer group says the overall lack of water will impact on the export deal from February to April.

Mahagrapes technical manager Sachin Korde told www.freshfruitportal.com the end of the season will likely be difficult for some growers, with around 10-15% of the crop affected.

"The rain damages won't affect exports because the early crop has a domestic purpose, but due to the acute water shortage exports will definitely be affected," he said.

"It will also make things tougher for next year's crop."

He said growers in general have been les focused on exports due to good domestic prices. Lower grape production in the early season has no doubt helped keep them that way.

"The rains in the month of September came at the time of blooming, so there was downy mildew and anthracnose and maybe 5% of that crop affected, but after that the season has been good and the climate is good now."

"In the last three or four years the domestic prices have been very good in India. The purchasing power is increasing here and there is very good demand.

"Farmers are getting very average prices in export so they are not happy with exports due to the heavy expenses, while the domestic price has been good."


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