Europe fights Russian E.U. potato ban

European potato growers have urged the European Commission to meet with the Russian authorities to resolve an ongoing export dispute, after Russia took the decision to impose a temporary ban on potato imports from Europe on Monday, July 1.
The Russian government said in a letter to the European Commission’s director for health and consumer production, Eric Poole, that it had found the E.U.’s current phytosanitary regime to be unsatisfactory after the discovery of golden potato nematode in imported Dutch potatoes.
In a statement, European agricultural organization Copa-Cogeca said it regretted the ban and urged the E.U. Commission and Russian Authorities to continue discussions to find an acceptable solution.
Speaking to, Frederic Rosseneu, secretary general of European potato producers’ association Europatat said the ban had been imposed despite several discussions between Russia and the E.U., explaining it would affect "several food potato products, seeds and plants for plantings."
"Europatat is closely following the matter with the European Commission and its members with member states authorities," he said.
"Further discussions are currently taking place (both with member states and the Russian Federation), with a view of approximating positions and finding acceptable conditions for both the Russian parties and European operators."
Rosseneu said Europatat was confident that an improvement and lifting of the ban could be reached before the beginning of the next European potato season later in the year, adding that the group was continuing to work with the commission to achieve this outcome.
Photo: United States Department of Agriculture