U.S.: proposal made for arsenic levels in apple juice

The United States Department of Agriculture proposed Friday that an "action level" of 10 parts per billion be established for inorganic arsenic in apple juice.
Although arsenic levels in apple juice have generally been found to be low, the action level would seek to avoid cases of inorganic arsenic on the marketplace, explained Michael R. Taylor, deputy commissioner for Foods and Veterinary Medicine.
"The agency has always found that the amount of arsenic in apple juiceis generally low—much lower, in fact, than the levels allowed in drinking water. Consumer Reports did an important story highlighting its own testing.
"And in 2011, we substantially increased testing and analysis of apple juice to continue and enhance our monitoring efforts," he said.
"We found that our original belief was correct, that the levels of inorganic arsenic in apple juice are too low to cause immediate or short-term health damage."
The thresold found through monitoring efforts will establish an industry threshold. The level is the same as that set for drinking water.
Photo: Metoc via Wikimedia Commons