Sales recover for Italian Abate pears, says CSO

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Sales recover for Italian Abate pears, says CSO

Italy's Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli (CSO) has observed positive sales signals for Abate pears in recent weeks after a "subdued" start to the season, due to a significant turnaround in demand both domestically and abroad. Abate pears - CSO 1

In a release, the center said while this year's crop of around 297,000 metric tons (MT) was higher than last year's, there had been deficiencies in production.

A mid-February study by CSO in the key growing region of Emilia Romagna registered 75,000Mt of the variety in storage, with fortnightly sales up 50% compared to earlier in the season.

CSO director Elisa Macchi said it was important to note that the commercialization of the cultivar would likely finish earlier than estimated at the start of the season.

Photo: CSO

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