User rates spike for pro-Palestine campaign on Buycott app

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User rates spike for pro-Palestine campaign on Buycott app

A smartphone app designed to help shoppers support social issues has witnessed a surge in subscribers to the 'Long live Palestine boycott Israel' campaign, second only to a GM labeling cause.buycott

The Buycott campaign, where users can scan products to see if they run for or against Israel's military action, includes the Jaffa orange citrus brand and Hadiklaim Israel Date Growers Cooperative Ltd in its 'Companies to Avoid' list.

Other companies include Nestle, Burger King, The Coca Cola Company, Marks & Spencer, Sainsbury's and Asda.

The app-based campaign also urges users to support U.K. fair trade company Zaytoun CIC, which imports dates, couscous and olive oil from Palestine, as well as olive grower cooperative Al-Muqadasa Fair Trade Producers’ Company, the Taybeh Brewing Company and natural cosmetics line Lush.

In mid-July the cause had just 2,163 members, but that figure had risen exponentially to 223,126 at the time of writing; this puts it just 55,136 members short of the 'Demand GMO Labeling' campaign.

At the time of writing, membership for the cause had risen 34.2% in the past 12 hours.

App developer Ivan Pardo told Forbes said there was an "unusual spike" in traffic three weeks ago, even though no articles had been written about it or Israel-based campaigns.

"Next thing I knew Buycott was a top 10 app in the UK and Netherlands, and #1 in a number of Middle Eastern countries. Word was spreading through social media," Pardo was quoted as saying.

Related story: Produce companies targeted in cause-related 'Buycott' smartphone app


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