Mexican produce consumption per capita 'an eighth of Canada's'

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Mexican produce consumption per capita 'an eighth of Canada's'

Despite Mexico's relatively low fresh fruit and vegetable consumption compared to other parts of the globe, an industry representative is optimistic it can be improved with the correct marketing focus.

VisiĂłn y Servicios president Eric Viramontes

VisiĂłn y Servicios president Eric Viramontes

President of Mexican consultancy firm Visión y Servicios, Eric Viramontes, said statistics painted a worrying picture for the country.

However, he highlighted initiatives like a recent one by the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) could stimulate long-term consumption.

"A problem that we all have these days is that we are generally eating very poorly, and this is particularly true in Mexico. The data is surprising at just how bad it is," Viramontes said at the PMA's Fresh Connections: Mexico event being held in Queretaro today and tomorrow.

"We eat half the amount of fruits and vegetables that the average North American eats, we eat a quarter of fruits and vegetables consumed by Europeans, and a mere eighth of the average Canadian.

"In addition to that, we also have the second highest levels of obesity."

Despite those statistics, Viramontes was full of hope and optimism the nation's eating habits could be changed for the better.

"The commercialization of fruits and vegetables is not just noble, it's a fascinating activity that involves a lot of passion and that contributes toward a better planet and the creation of a new culture based on healthy eating," he said.

"PMA's partnership in the U.S. with Sesame Street was a huge step in encouraging and motivating young children to search out and eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

"This very day in Mexico this is completely possible and we are very excited, because these characters from Sesame Street are going to be our representatives specifically to help boost consumption, and help our children to eat more healthfully."

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