Chile: Customs worker union reaches agreement to end strike

The strike by Chilean customs workers has now come to an end, after the union reached an agreement with the government yesterday (May 28) afternoon.
Heads from the National Association of Customs Officers of Chile (ANFACH) held talks with the Finance Minister yesterday and said the government had provided 'a good proposal that would immediately be sent out for a vote'.
The ANFACH had been on strike since May 20 in a dispute over working conditions. The union was calling for a modernization of the customs service as well as more staff to reach a total of 2,100 from the current 1,300. It is understood the government's original proposal was to increase staff numbers by 250.
According to local media, this second proposal will raise staff numbers to 2,300 by 2018.
Yesterday, a union representing workers from Chile's Agriculture and Livestock Service (SAG) said workers would strike on Monday (June 1) in solidarity with the customs workers, but this action will now not take place following the resolution between the government and ANFACH.
The effects customs worker strike were felt severely by Chilean exporters shipping their fruit through the central Port of Valparaiso, where about half of the national fruit exports depart. Apples, citrus, table grapes, avocados and kiwifruit were all among the crops affected.