Australia: Freshmax partners with anti-bullying group

Produce marketer The Freshmax Group has teamed up with the Bully Zero Australia Foundation (BZAF) to promote its Sumo Citrus mandarins this season.
The company is sponsoring BZAF and launching its first ever round of Sumo Citrus television commercials.
BZAF's mission is to provide genuine and enduring care for bully victims and their families, according to its website.
Freshmax marketing and communications manager Matthew Crouch said the animation was intended to engage with consumers 'on both a healthy and ethical level'.
The Sumo Citrus season is anticipated to last for another 6-8 weeks.
In October last year, FreshMax announced it would be giving even greater attention to its intellectual property (IP) business through the formation of Innovar.
A release said the entity would remain focused on the licensing of new varieties, brand development, production planning and delivery to market.
Photo: Sumo Citrus