Argentina to ship fresh table grapes to the Philippines

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Argentina to ship fresh table grapes to the Philippines

The number of fresh fruit crops Argentine companies are able to export to the Philippines continues to grow, as the South American country gains market access for table grapes. shutterstock_114019393

The announcement comes as a result of talks between Philippine authorities, Argentina's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, and the Argentine National Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa).

Legal requirements have now been met by Argentina to allow the formal market opening.

This announcement complements the Philippine market opening for Argentina-origin fresh apples and pears, which was made on May 24.

A government release said this development represented a 'big opportunity' for local growers, as the Philippines has a population of around 100 million people and in 2014 imported more than US$185 million worth of fresh fruit, of which 12% was made up of fresh grapes.


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