Brazilian grapes start to arrive in Europe

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Brazilian grapes start to arrive in Europe

The first arrivals of Brazilian table grapes in Europe have marked the beginning of the transition to Southern Hemisphere supply. grapes square 1

The majority of local grapes currently on sale are of Turkish origin, according to Dutch organization Tricop.

Prices over the last six weeks have been slightly superior year-on-year, with Italian grapes achieving an average per-kilo price of €1.83 and Spanish grapes averaging €1.70. Both figures are 5% higher than in 2014.

However, in the first two weeks of October the average prices rose to €2 per kilo.

Most of the local table grapes still on sale correspond to late varieties like Crimson and Autumn Royal.

The first shipment of Brazilian grapes was of the Thompson variety and was registered in week 41, achieving an average per-kilo price of €3.58.

It should be noted prices of Brazilian grapes toward the end of last year were very high, with most registering around €4.50-5 over November and December. These prices were far higher than during the 2013 or 2012 seasons, which saw more typical level of €2.8-3.5.

Brazilian table grape production could be affected this year by the drought in the key growing area of the Sao Francisco Valley, according to information from the Center for Advanced Studies of Applied Economics.

However, the devaluation of the Brazilian currency, the real, has generated some optimism amongst exporters.

The next table grape supplier to arrive in the European market is expected to be South Africa, toward the end of November.


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