Peru to host the IBO Summit 2021

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Peru to host the IBO Summit 2021

By ProarĂ¡ndanos

The Association of Blueberry Producers and Exporters of Peru (ProarĂ¡ndanos) will host this year's IBO Summit, in coordination with the International Blueberry Organization (IBO), to be held from August 23 to 25.

The IBO Summit is the most important event on the blueberry industry calendar, bringing together global industry specialists to address common challenges, coordinate potential solutions, explore opportunities and, fundamentally, to promote the health and sustainability of the blueberry industry.

This year the summit will be held through a 100% digital platform created exclusively for the event, which includes virtual visits to various fields in Peru, as well as participating in a wide range of presentations and talks by internationally renowned professionals, which are a must for any person or company interested in learning more about the blueberry industry in Peru and globally.

Hosting the event is very important for Peru, because during the last two years Peru has remained the largest exporter of fresh blueberries to the world, projecting a growth of around 30% compared to the previous season. It is also because Peru can offer a large number of blueberry varieties to satisfy increasingly demanding markets. Finally, Peru has gone on the international blueberry map because, of the total blueberries that Peru exports, 50% go to the USA, 33% to Europe, 14% to China and the balance to other smaller markets.

ProarĂ¡ndanos has been working on five strategic areas to deliver Peru’s blueberries exports in the upcoming years: i) access and improved market access, ii) promotion, iii) statistical information service and projections, iv) technical assistance and v) trade union coordination.

The global blueberry industry faces important challenges to continue its growth. Organizing this event offers Peru an invaluable window to showcase the wealth of agricultural exports that the country has to offer the world.


August 23rd

A report on the Peruvian industry will be given by the president of ProarĂ¡ndanos -Daniel Bustamante-, followed by a panel on Blueberry growing methods by SebastiĂ¡n Ochoa and Mariusz Padewsky, renowned blueberry consultants, and then Cort Brazelton, Co -CEO of Fall Creek, who will present a Global industry report. First round of virtual tours*.

August 24th

The day will begin with a presentation by Emiliano Escobedo, Executive Director of the Hass Avocado Board, who will detail the avocado industry's marketing and promotional strategies that have achieved extraordinary results, worthy of replication in the blueberry industry. This will be followed by a panel discussion on The future of the blueberry counter-seasonal supply, with the participation of representatives from some of the major producing countries such as Chile, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Morocco. Finally, Amy Howell, a researcher from Rutgers University, will give a presentation on the Latest scientific research on blueberries. Second round of virtual tours*.

August 25

Three presentations are scheduled. The first on digital marketing and social media by Jennifer Sparks, VP of Marketing and Communications at USHBC, followed by a panel discussion on Innovation & sustainability beyond the traditional approach, moderated by Mario Steta, VP of Driscoll's for Mexico. The day will close with a presentation by David Hugues, Emeritus Professor of Food Marketing at Imperial College London, who will talk about the latest trends related to quality and consumer preferences.

*As this is a non-presential event, the tours to different producers in the country will also be virtual, so that attendees can enjoy visits to 6 fields in different regions of the country to learn about the Peruvian industry in different aspects such as: organic production, post-harvest handling, safety, sanitation, irrigation system, biological control, adequacy of operations in front of Covid, social responsibility and environmental management.

For more information or to register for the event, visit

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