Market Pulse week 45 -- 2010
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 45 -- 2010
In North America, the Chilean apricot season is projected to start a week earlier than last season. The first arrivals by air are set for week 47.
In Latin America, the closing of a border crossing delayed Chilean avocado supply into Argentina at the beginning of the week.
In Chile, the prices in the internal market remain stable, while at settling at the retail level.
In North America, the avocado market in the United States has remained stable and the local season is almost finished.
In Mexico, local volumes reached normal levels close to those of last season.
In Europe and the United Kingdom, lower prices were seen because of a lower level of rotation.
In Europe and the United Kingdom, a lower sales pace added up to a marked increase in the supply from Argentina and Uruguay that pushed prices down.
In North America, the first sea shipments of Chilean blueberries will arrive three weeks early in theĀ U.S. In Canada, importers are worried about the higher amount from Argentina.
In North America, the first lots of Burlat have shown quality and condition problems in the United States. Prices remain high despite the settling that was seen this week.
Table grapes
In North America, the first lots of Peruvian grapes were seen in the United States.
In Mexico, the Red Globe season finished and the prices for the imported California supply posted a gain this week for fruit in good condition.
In Europe, a lower availability of local table grapes was seen. White grapes from Brazil posted higher prices in the main markets.
Source: iQonsulting/