Peru aims for GLOBALGAP certification for organic bananas

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Peru aims for GLOBALGAP certification for organic bananas

Peru’s Ministry of Agriculture (MINAG) aims to have 85% of organic bananas exported to the European Union and United States marketed under the GLOBALGAP certification, which will guarantee quality and safety of the product, according to national news agency

To this end, a MINAG agency developed a course on GLOBALGAP certification in Piura to teach growers how to use the best agricultural practices and achieve competitiveness for the nation’s organic bananas, the website said.

The certification is based on criteria established for European markets, including to safety, quality, sustainability and traceability. Among the themes emphasized are records maintenance, fertilization, pest management, irrigation and quality, critical points that growers do not manage appropriately, the website said.

MINAG said that the application of GLOBALGAP contributes to growers achieving competitiveness, protecting the environment, health, safety and well-being of workers and consumers, as well as the well-being of animals.


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