California is celebrating Avocado Month with promotable volumes

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California is celebrating Avocado Month with promotable volumes

During June, at the heart of the California avocado season, which runs from spring through summer, the state celebrates avocado month. 

The California Avocado Commission is using an integrated support plan including public relations outreach, retail promotions, food service chain programs, social media, and more to market this year’s celebration.

Supply looks strong, with promotable volumes expected through Labor Day,” says California Avocado Commission Vice President of Marketing, Terry Splane.

“Select retailers and food service operators are featuring California Avocado Month in their customer outreach this month,” Splane indicates. “It’s exciting to see the program broadened by retailers and food service chains who extend the news to their shoppers and guests via cooperative promotions.”

This year CAC partnered with California chef Brooke Williamson to create two fresh and unique California avocado-inspired dishes for summer. 

Chef Williamson is widely known as a winner of Bravo’s Top Chef, the first winner of Food Network’s Tournament of Champions

In support of California Avocado Month, the Commission delivered an email to its 180,000 subscribers, featuring fresh recipe inspirations and noteworthy sustainability information. 

Social media outreach directed to California avocados’ nearly 400,000 social followers as well as to Chef Williamson’s fans is a key component of CAC’s marketing support.

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