Mexican mangoes rolling into late summer

The Mexican mango deal will be rolling through September, Daniel Ibarra tells on July 25.
Ibarra is president of Splendid by Porvenir, LLC, the major grower-shipper in Los Mochis, Sinaloa.
Splendid’s Honey mango deal out of Los Mochis should finish by the end of July. “Volume has been moving steadily. This is the last zone in the Mexican deal with Honeys so we’re maxing out on selling mostly smaller sizes: 18s, 20s, 22s and 24s. The introduction of our new Jaguar wild mango box was tremendous and very well received by the trade.”
Ibarra adds that Kent shipping started July 25 from Los Mochis and should be steady through August. Kent sizes in terms of volume are trending to 8s, 9s and 10s. “The crop is moving – we just have to convince our retailers to keep promoting them so we can keep the momentum going throughout the deal. Mangos are a mainstay in many people’s diets so let’s keep it going when the volume is here!”
Cindy Schwing with Splendid adds that with Kents, Splendid has introduced a new retail pack this season, called the Bali Mango 4 Pack. Some retailers are already carrying the Bali Mango 4 pack in their stores. “It is a premium mango pack, carefully harvested and packed for this purpose.” But Schwing adds, Bali is not limited to high end stores. “It lends itself well as a ‘grab and go’ type of an item for any chain, with great stackability. We think it’s an excellent alternative to four-pack clams - the convenient handle offers ease in transporting, especially for parties or gatherings in the summer.”
From Los Mochis, Splendid will be shipping Keitts from mid-August through September. Sizes trending are 5/6s and 7/8s.
Schwing chimes in, “There’s a lot of hype planned for Keitts along with new packaging still to be revealed with the Splendid marketing campaign. Buyers and consumers await the enormous size of this fruit. Hold a size 4 in your hand and you’ll see why it’s unique.”
Schwing reminds the trade that Los Mochis is a fly free zone, so the USDA does not require mangos grown there to be hot water treated. “That is a real plus to a lot of retailers … and it holds up longer in terms of longevity of the product, too.”
The Los Mochis deal represents the end of the 2023 Mexican mango deal.
Related articles: U.S. continues Latin American mango supplies
Schwing encourages “retailers to stay with the Mexican mango deal as long as it lasts and there is product available, versus moving to offshore earlier than necessary. In addition, the price difference makes it worth staying, too.” Shipping costs from northern Sinaloa, which is close proximity to Nogales, and are also an easy shipment to Texas, saves great transportation costs to buyers.
She adds, “As an industry, we all need to keep mangoes moving steadily at both crossing points, in Nogales and Texas. Prices are acceptable still and could go upwards as demand continues. Again, the key is to keep mangoes moving and the market will stabilize through the remainder of the summer.”
As to providing a “bird’s eye view on the whole Mexican deal,” Schwing responds, “we could strengthen the start-up in southern Mexico, with outsourcing and when it moves to bordering states and up the coast. Stronger representation - boots on the ground - for all areas would certainly help keep supply more consistent, both in volume and quality. Finally, getting into the deal early and making the deals upfront helps lock in product from down south and secures a continuous, solid quality supply as well.”