The Top Seven

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The Top Seven

These are's top seven stories of the week.

US East Coast strike risk could mean more spikes in freight rates

According to the latest container shipping report from the Baltic Exchange, there is a significant risk of labor disruptions at US East Coast ports due to the breakdown in negotiations between the union and the terminals in June.

Industry reacts to approval of Systems Approach for Chilean grapes

Following the approval of the Systems Approach protocol for the export of Chilean table grapes from the Atacama, Coquimbo and Valparaíso regions to the United States, members of the industry in both countries have had various reactions.

Peruvian Provid says there will be a "higher volume of table grapes than last season"

Last year, the Peruvian table grape industry faced a challenging season as northern regions experienced low productivity due to climatic issues. However, Ica, in the south, performed well, partly because of climatic challenges in California.

For the 2024-2025 season, will Peru return to the recent trend of high volume and low prices? Has the country reached a production ceiling for table grapes?

Peruvian blueberries project positive season, with good prices and quality

Luis Miguel Vegas, the general manager of the Association of Blueberry Producers and Exporters of Peru (ProArándanos), participated in a webinar hosted by Fluctuante titled "The Analysis and Challenges of the Peruvian Blueberry Export Campaign 2023/24.

SA Citrus Association CEO speaks up against EU citrus trade regulation

South Africa's Citrus Growers Association CEO, Justin Chadwick, has spoken up against the new plant health regulations imposed by the European Union on South African citrus

Last week, South Africa's government requested the establishment of two dispute panels to review measures set by the European Union that affect the trade of South African citrus fruit into the EU. This is the first time the country has requested the establishment of a panel under the WTO's dispute settlement system. 

Peru and Chile continue to lead global blueberry market

Global blueberry trade decreased by 15% year-on-year in 2023, as stated in a recent Frutas de Chile (formerly ASOEX) seminar. This decline was due to unfavorable weather conditions across the main producing countries.

The key players—Peru, Chile, Mexico, Morocco, and South Africa—supplied 98% of the total volume, which reached 465,230 tons last year, down from 550,000 tons in 2022.

Wonderful Citrus: 'Opening of Korean market for Texas Grapefruit is a significant change'

On June 27, 2024, South Korea’s national plant protection organization—the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA)—officially announced that grapefruit from Texas had gained access to the country. 

The USDA stated that this market, which already imports grapefruit from California and Florida, is worth $5 million annually.

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