Peru establishes requirements for New Zealand kiwi imports

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Peru establishes requirements for New Zealand kiwi imports

The Peruvian National Agricultural Health Authority (Senasa) has announced the phytosanitary requirements for the importation of fresh kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis and Actinidia deliciosa) from New Zealand.

Directorial Resolution No. DO000036-2024-MINAGRI-SENASA-DVS, published in the Diario Oficial and effective immediately, states that production sites and kiwifruit packing plants must be registered and authorized by the New Zealand National Plant Protection Organization (NPPO) before the start of the export season to Peru.

Similarly, production sites and packing plants must be submitted to Senasa before the start of each export season.

“The shipments must have the phytosanitary import permit issued by Senasa, obtained by the importer or interested party, before certification and shipment in the country of origin and provenance,” states the Resolution.

In addition, all fruit shipped to Peru must be certified free of Stathmopoda skelloni, Cnephasia jactatana, Ctenopseustis herena, Ctenopseustis obliquana, Epiphyas postvittana, Planotortrix excessana and Planotortrix octo, Ceroplastes destructor and Thrips obscuratus.

The containers must be new and of first use and must be properly labeled to identify the exported product.

“The shipment shall not contain leaves, soil, or other contaminants in the boxes or in the export containers that transport the fruit to  Peru. The consignment must be packed on pallets and transported in containers that must be clean and sealed (...)”.

“In air shipments, each box or pallet must be protected with netting smaller than 1.6 x 1.6 mm in diameter or any other material that mitigates the entry of pests after certification, sealing it, and placing the number on the phytosanitary certificate,” the norm states.

In addition, the pallets must be free of bark and comply with quarantine regulations for the entry of wood packaging material. In addition, a phytosanitary inspection will be carried out at the point of entry into the country.

The complete Directorial Resolution is here.



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