Mango shipments to the US from October to November expected to increase

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Mango shipments to the US from October to November expected to increase

The National Mango Board's latest Mango Crop Report shows that overall mango volume shipments from week 40 to week 45 are expected to be about 49% higher year-over-year (YOY).

The 2024 Brazilian season is expected to be about 36% lower YOY and the 2024 Ecuadorian season is expected to be about 109% higher YOY.

Currently, Brazil and Ecuador are both harvesting and/or packing their mangoes, and Peru has started its season and volumes will be reported next week. 

There are currently TWO main mango varieties shipped to the United States market: Tommy Atkins (70%) and Ataulfo/ Honey (25%). There are also limited supply of Keitt, Haden and Francis.

The Brazilian mango season began in the first week of August and will run until the last week of December with a projection of approximately 7.9 million boxes. Last season’s main varieties were: Tommy Atkins (81%), Kent (7%), Keitt (6%) and Others (6%).

Volume shipped from Brazil was less than 50% lower in comparison to last year, during the same week. 380,564 boxes for a total of 3,277,071 boxes for the season, volume on week ending September 28. Same time last year, volume shipped from Brazil was 890,044 boxes for a total of 5,446,122 boxes.

The Ecuadorian mango season began the first week of September and will run until the last week of December with a projection of approximately 13.5 million boxes. Last season Ecuador’s main varieties were: Tommy Atkins (68%), Kent (15%), Ataulfo/Honey (11%) and Others (7%) 

Volume shipped from Ecuador was approximately 567,190 boxes for a total of 945,365 boxes for the season. During the same week last year, volume shipped from Ecuador was 39,810 boxes for a total of 39,810 boxes.

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