Global berry market forecast to continue growing in a decade

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Global berry market forecast to continue growing in a decade

Driven by increasing consumption and demand, the global berry market performance is projected to experience a compound annual growth rate of 0.9% in volume and 1.3% in value from 2024 to 2035, reaching 1,052 million tons and $1.25 billion, respectively, by the end of the forecast period.

According to the market intelligence platform IndexBox, "the market value increased at an average annual rate of 2.3% from 2013 to 2024," peaking in 2022 at $1.09 billion, remaining stable throughout the years, and then decreasing slightly in 2024. 

The country with the largest volume of fruit and berry consumption is China, accounting for 28% or 269 million tons of global fruit and berry consumption, respectively, followed by India (114 million tons) and Brazil (42 million tons).

China also occupies first place in the value and production category. 

The countries with the highest levels of fruit and berry per capita consumption in 2024 were Italy, with 285 kg per person, Turkey (274 kg per person), and Brazil (194 kg per person). 

Although berries are not among the top three categories with the highest average annual import growth, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries experienced a 9.1% growth from 2013 to 2024. These were also the products with the highest price, at $7,625 per ton.

As for imports, the United States, China, the Netherlands, Germany, and Russia were the leading importers of fruits and berries in 2024.  

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