New estimate for Chilean stone fruit: Japanese plums up, European plums down

Frutas de Chile has provided an update regarding shipments of stone fruit for the 2024-2025 season.
Exports of Japanese plums will total 14.4 million boxes (7 kg average each), a 3% increase compared to last season. According to the entity, this growth is driven by the rise in red flesh varieties, which are estimated to grow by 3%, while black plums are expected to decrease slightly by 1%.
In the case of European plums, Ignacio Caballero, executive director of the Chilean Fruit Plum Committee, explained that the exports recorded up to week 9 of 2025 will not reach the estimated amount of 7.4 million boxes (9 kg average each) of European plums.
“With the information to date, it is estimated that we will reach only 5.3 million boxes, so we anticipate that the season will close with 34% less than the previous season,” he said.
This difference, Caballero explained, "is because European plums have the possibility of being left for fresh or dehydrated, and considering the current state of the Chinese market, companies have decided to leave a greater proportion for dehydrated, which has led to a drop in the total fresh exports."
The update provided by the Committee corresponds to adjustments of a fourth estimate.
Total stone fruit exports
A total of 37.1 million boxes of Chilean stone fruit (8.3 kg average each) are expected to be exported, a volume that reflects an increase of 2% compared to the previous season and a decrease of 5% compared to the third estimate.
In nectarines and peaches, projections are maintained. The former would reach 14.6 million boxes (8 kg average each) with an increase of 26% over last season, while the latter would reach 2.8 million boxes (8 kg average each), with an increase of 2% over the previous year.
The first estimate provided by the Carozos Committee in November 2024 indicated that exports would grow by 4% over the previous season, with shipments of around 38 million boxes (8.3 kg average each).