Three new varieties to receive Jerte Protected Designation of Origin

The Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin “Cereza del Jerte” will certify three new cherry varieties this season: Van, Lapins, and Burlat.
With these certifications, the “Cereza del Jerte” P.D.O. can count on up to 10 or 12 million more kilos of cherry, weather permitting. In addition, this guarantees there will be certified products on the market throughout the harvesting season in the Jerte Valley, Spain.
The denomination's president, José Antonio Tierno, described the certification of new varieties as “great news” because it will allow the PDO to “satisfy the needs of the market.”
The PDO will also give the appellation a greater presence, which will allow producers to continue to benefit from a “differentiated and unique” product.
“These new varieties complement the picota del Jerte, which will continue to be our flagship because it is a unique variety from the Jerte Valley”, Tierno indicated.
Introduction of new varieties
Over the last 30 years, minimum temperatures in the Jerte Valley have risen by one degree Celsius and maximum temperatures by 2.5 degrees. The valley has also experienced significant changes in annual rainfall.
These climatic changes have affected the native varieties, causing early and irregular flowering and reducing the fruit's ripening time.
“The consequence has been that in recent years we have noticed a significant reduction in the certified fruit produced”, explained Tierno.
Introducing the cherry varieties Van, Lapins, and Burlat will allow production to be completed. Until last season, the “Cereza del Jerte” PDO cherry and picota cherry market ran from mid-May to mid-June. With these new varieties, extending it from April to August will be possible.
The new cherry varieties have been widely grown in the Jerte Valley for more than thirty years. They share the specific characteristics of orography, soil, climate, and hydrography of the other cherry and picota cherry varieties that have been previously certified.
Tierno emphasised that “they are sweet varieties with a lot of flavour, like all those produced in Jerte”.
Reaching consumers sooner
Thanks to the new varieties, the “Cereza del Jerte” P.D.O. has reached the markets earlier.
Burlat’s production spans from the end of April to the middle of May. As it is the earliest variety, it is between 22 and 26 mm in size.
The Van variety is grown from mid-May to mid-June and is between 24 and 28 mm, while the latest is Lapins, which is produced from mid-June to August. It has the largest size, reaching between 24 and 32 mm.
With these new varieties, the “Cereza del Jerte” PDO will certify four types of cherry (Navalinda, Van, Lapins, and Burlat) and another four types of picota del Jerte (Ambrunés, Pico Colorado, Pico Negro, and Pico Limón Negro).