Market Pulse week 7 — 2011
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 7 — 2011
The U.S. registered active sales of Gala, Red and Golden Delicious apples with higher prices, while there were lower sales of the Granny Smith variety with price adjustments. In Mexico Gala apples had improved sales while the opposite occurred with Golden Delicious. In the European continent the first shipments of Argentine Gala apples arrived, although with limited volumes, recording adequate sales of apples generally, in line with the British and Russian markets. Brazil’s market was similar to what it was in the previous week while Colombia registered distribution delays. Import sales contractions were recorded on the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, with lower wholesale prices for the U.S. supply that widely dominates those markets.
The last exports from the Chilean apricot season arrived in the U.S. with final prices rising slightly.
The U.S. recorded increased avocado prices while the same happened in Mexico with active sales. The European Hass avocado market remained stable with Spain and Israel as the main suppliers, with a Kenyan campaign set to start in the next two weeks. Argentina registered price rises for the imported Hass variety and Chile maintained a strong market.
U.S. markets were segmented due to the weakened conditions of some lots, while healthy sales continued in Canada with stable prices. Europe and the U.K. also recorded stable prices, with a reported 770 metric ton (MT) arrival of Chilean blueberries. In Asia, Chilean blueberry prices fell in the main markets, with both Hong Kong and Japan reporting variable conditions upon arrival.
The supply of Southern Hemisphere cherries finished in Asia, with the final arrivals of Chilean cherries in the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, but with limited volumes.
U.S. Consumers showed moderate interest in peaches, with nectarines recording higher sales activity. In Mexico both peach and nectarine markets were stable without price variations. Both species recorded improved sales rates in the U.K. and Europe, but with slight price adjustments in the Netherlands. Vacations in Argentina led to a slower market there, while Brazil’s market was also slower than in the previous week. Truck driver strikes in Colombia led to peach and nectarine shortages, thus pushing up prices. Lower sales activity for Chilean nectarines was recorded in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland, while Australia reported practically no availability.
Despite high prices, Chilean Summer Bartlett pear sales were active in the U.S., while imported D’Anjou pears continued with healthy sales and stable prices in Mexico. Healthy sales rates were observed in Europe and the U.K. with Argentine Bon Chretien and Williams pears, which showed a significant increase in arrivals. However, there was a contraction in demand for the European Abate Fetel variety due to higher registered prices this season. Argentina’s pear market was quiet but stable, while Brazil expected the arrival of Argentine Williams pears from the new season. Colombia registered higher prices and a lower supply.
Both coasts of the U.S. registered price adjustments for plums, while Mexico maintained moderate sales, with the Larry Ann variety expected to maintain a better pace. Chilean and South African plums showed adequate sales rates in Europe and the U.K. Brazil and Argentina registered stable markets, while Colombia managed to maintain price levels despite truck driver strikes. Slow sales rates were recorded in Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese mainland, with lower prices for all supply from the Southern Hemisphere.
Table Grapes
Retail promotions in the U.S. assisted sales rates for Flame grapes, while a lower supply of Thompson S grapes in Canada led to price rises. In Mexico there were stable prices of white seedless grapes despite a lower supply, while there were price adjustments for Red Globe variety grapes. White seedless grape markets in Europe, the U.K. and Russia registered price adjustments, with a lower supply of Peruvian Red Globe grapes as its season came to a close. Brazil maintained stocks of Chilean grapes with stable prices and a market without any great variations. Colombia’s market situation was complicated by the two-week truck driver strike, with increased prices due to low supply. Asia marked the close of the Californian grape season, while Southern Hemisphere grape markets in Hong Kong and mainland China recorded moderate sales rates, with lower prices for the Peruvian Red Globe variety and higher prices for Chilean lots. Taiwan’s market movement was slow, especially for white seedless grapes, while Korea absorbed high volumes in circulation.
Source: iQonsulting/edited by