Colombia could be an 'agricultural power'

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Colombia could be an 'agricultural power'

CropLife Latin America president Carlos Buzio said Colombia could 'play an important role' in the international food market but still needed more investment, market studies, credit facilities and innovation, website reported.

CropLife is an international organization based in Belgium that represents the plant science industry.

"It is necessary to imagine Colombia in the context of Latin America, which without a doubt has all the potential to consolidate itself as a global agricultural power," Buzio was quoted as saying.

"The leadership of Brazil and Argentina with commodity exports, and fruit and vegetable exporters like Chile, Peru, Guatemala and Costa Rica, add up significantly to the joint effort of all of Latin America.

"Agricultural development demands the synchronized performance of various factors such as infrastructure, innovation of science and technology, market studies, credit for farmers, investment, to mention a few.

"Additionally, the export development spirit of Colombians is required. Colombia has to prepare itself internally and go out to conquer international markets for agricultural products like fruit and vegetables."

He said the coffee, floral and banana industries were good examples of success, but the government could still help other sectors through its regulatory systems and by facilitating exports, the story reported.

"(You) have to meet global food demand to find new market niches and develop the potential of areas such as La Orinoquia or Andaltillanura to compete as well with commodities," he was quoted as saying.



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