Market Pulse week 15 — 2011
Market situation in the Northern Hemisphere, week 15 — 2011
In North America, the first Chilean Fuji apple arrivals were recorded in the U.S.
In Latin America, price adjustments were made for U.S. Royal Gala apples in Mexico to encourage inventory rotation, while price increases were registered for Chilean supply. Low trading levels and relatively high Chilean volumes put the Colombian market under pressure, while sales pace in Brazil was sufficient to absorb recent Argentine Red Delicious arrivals. The Argentine market itself was supplied by domestically-grown apples.
Royal Gala sales activity was slow in Europe, while delays unloading the fruit led to price rises in Russia.
Wholesale prices for European apples fell in the Middle East, while stability was recorded for Southern Hemisphere supply.
Good sales pace was reported for both Northern and Southern Hemisphere supply in the main Asian markets, with variable prices in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland depending on quality and condition. Importers in Taiwan were still waiting for the first Chilean apple arrivals. Indian markets registered sales rate stability for imported apples.
In North America, there was a good match between inventory volumes and the level of avocadoes demanded in the U.S, with prices rising for most size categories.
In Latin America, Argentina continued to register high price levels for imported Hass avocadoes, while the season in Chile was in its final stages with continued strong domestic demand as well.
On the European continent and in the U.K., Hass avocado sales and prices were stable while Peru continued to incrementally increase its arrival volumes.
Scarce availability was reported in North American markets with active sales pace and high prices for domestic fruit, while the Chilean blueberry supply remained stable.
The Southern Hemisphere season was over on the European continent and in the U.K, while volumes from Spain and Morocco were increasing, registering healthy sales activity.
The Southern Hemisphere season was nearing its end for Asian markets, although air arrivals from Chile continued with limited availability. Japan was the main export destination market in the region for blueberries.
In North America, Stable prices were recorded for Chilean kiwifruit in the U.S.
In Latin America, the Mexican market was under pressure with price falls, Chilean exports were slowly commencing, while domestic trading was seen in Argentina and Brazil.
Italian kiwifruit sales were stable in Europe, with slight price rises seen for bigger sizes in some countries.
Middle Eastern markets were in transition for kiwifruit, in expectation of the first Southern Hemisphere arrivals.
In Asia, Italian Hayward kiwifruit was still available in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, while the Southern Hemisphere season was slowly starting with the first arrivals registered in the region. Italian Hayward volumes were moderate in India and were adequate for demand levels.
In North America, peaches and nectarines registered moderate sales activity with no significant changes in the U.S.
In Latin America, prices for both fruits fell in Mexico while the last Chilean peach arrivals were seen in Colombia and Brazil. Argentina maintained domestic volumes and there were no market changes.
The Southern Hemisphere peach and nectarine season was over on the European continent and in the U.K., with stable sales activity expected during the final days of trading.
In Asia, the Southern Hemisphere season was coming to an end with Chilean arrivals expected to peak during the week, followed by declining volumes thereafter. Availability of Australian peaches and nectarines remained limited.
In North America, sales were mainly focused on Bartlett and Bosc pears in the U.S., while the first Packham’s T pears were traded in Canada.
In Latin America, a high availability of imported D’Anjou pears put pressure on the Mexican market, while market activity in the rest of the region was stable. Chilean Packham's T was the main variety traded in Colombia and Argentine Williams pears dominated the Brazilian market.
On the European continent and in the U.K., low rotation levels were seen for the Packham’s T variety, while delays in unloading led to price rises in Russia.
Good sales pace was recorded for Angeleno plums in the U.S. with price rises.
In Latin America, stable trading and prices were recorded for Chilean plums in Mexico, while they were also dominant in the Brazilian market with good sales activity. Large volumes of Chilean plum arrivals in Colombia pushed down prices, while the Argentine market continued to maintain domestic supply availability with stable prices.
Low temperatures in Northern Europe led to slightly lower sales activity for Angeleno plums but prices were stable.
The main markets in Asia registered higher sales activity and price rises for Chilean plums, with a dominance of the Angeleno variety. Australia complemented the market with late varieties and limited volumes.
Table Grapes
In the U.S. sales were focused on Crimson Seedless grapes due to the variety’s higher availability.
In Latin America, better quality lots of white seedless grapes showed good sales pace and price increases in Mexico, while in Colombia higher arrivals of Chilean grapes put the market under pressure. Imported grapes did not register significant market changes in Brazil, while the Argentine market remained stable with supply from domestically-stored grapes.
In Northern Europe and the U.K. sales activity was more stable for white seedless grapes that were in good condition, with slight price increases.
A good rotation of Chilean and South African Red Globe grapes was registered in the Middle East.
In Asia, healthy trading activity was recorded for imported grapes in Hong Kong and the Chinese mainland, while fewer arrivals meant the Taiwanese market held less stock. High Chilean grape availability continued to put pressure on the Korean market. Indian markets registered sales rate stability for imported table grapes.
Source: iQonsulting/ edited by