Chile: Fires almost extinguished in O'Higgins region

The worst wildfires in Chile's history are ongoing with local and international efforts fighting 55 fires and keeping another 58 "under control", but there is some positive news with the Ministry of Agriculture declaring the blaze has been extinguished in the O'Higgins (VI) region.
In an announcement today, Chilean Agriculture Minister Carlos Furche said fires had affected around 72,000 hectares in the region, out of a total of around 378,000 hectares across the country.
"This is good news for the whole region which is progressively normalizing its activities, especially in the most affected provinces Colchagua and Cardenal Caro, because the fire is practically extinguished in its entirety," Furche said.
"Now we can concentrate on something we're already doing, with more efficiency still, which is the task of helping people who have been affected."
He said the government had provided support to around 800 farmers across Chile, of which 160 were in the O'Higgins region.
The region of Maule (VII), south of O'Higgins, has been the most affected with fires burning 202,000 hectares.
According to the National Forest Corporation (CONAF), 3,782 people have been affected by the event with 1,012 homes destroyed and 11 deaths.
There are still red alerts for wildfires in the following areas:
Coquimbo region: Los Vilos.
Valparaiso region: Casablanca, Valparaiso.
Metropolitana region: Melipilla, San José de Maipo, Pirque, Paine, Buin.
O'Higgins region: A red alert even though the flames are almost out.
Maule region: Curepto, Licantén, Empedrado y Constitución, Cauquenes, San Javier, Vichuquén, Hualañé.
Biobio region: In general.