Japan: Dole’s new “BanaPen” draws consumer interest

Dole Japan says it has received a positive response from consumers following the launch of a pen that can be used to make art or write messages on the skin of bananas.
There is no need to worry about the possibility of toxic permanent ink seeping through the skin and affecting the flesh inside, as the “Banapen” uses a vinegar solution.
Around five minutes after application, the vinegar slowly begins to turn the yellow skin brown.
Despite initial criticism from some that the invention wasn’t particularly exciting, there has been a high level of consumer interest in the invention.
The pen is provided for free with bananas sold at its vending machine for 150 yen (US$1.30) each at the major Shibuya railway station in the Japanese capital, Tokyo.
The pen was originally designed for the upcoming 2017 Tokyo marathon on Feb. 26 - sponsored by the multinational for the tenth time this year – so that runners could use it to write messages on the fruit.
Last spring, Dole also launched a new “low-Brix” banana in the Asian country, which is said to have 13% less sugar than ordinary bananas. The company plans to replace all the fruit at the upcoming sports event with the new fruit.