South Australian mango recall won't affect Christmas supplies, claims AMIA

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South Australian mango recall won't affect Christmas supplies, claims AMIA

Biosecurity SA has announced a recall of all mangoes from one grower following a confirmation of fruit fly larvae on their Queensland farm, but the agency has emphasized this does not constitute a fruit fly outbreak. 

In an announcement, Biosecurity SA said the recall applied to all mangoes from the growers sent to South Australia since Dec. 1, with fruit to be recalled if it was still in storage or on supermarket shelves.

The situation is being closely monitored in accordance with the National Fruit Fly Code of Practice.

"The larvae were discovered in a mango purchased from a business in Adelaide. On further investigation, we determined it was from a large batch of fruit provided by a distributor that supplies numerous stores in South Australia," said Biosecurity SA Executive Director Will Zacharin.

"Quick action from a member of the public alerted us to the heavily infested fruit.

"I cannot stress enough how important it is to check your fruit, especially if it has come from interstate. If you see anything unusual—any signs of larvae or maggots—place the fruit in a sealed bag or container and contact the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010."

Zacharin said the South Australian receiver had elected to fumigate the product still on hand, however given the seriousness of the infestation a full recall from shelves was ordered.

"We will be suspending further consignments and following up with the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries as to why pre-delivery treatment of the fruit, as required under an import verification compliance arrangement, appears to have failed," he said.

Industry response

In a release, the Australian Mango Industry Association (AMIA) said consumers could still be confident there would be no shortage of mangoes this Christmas.

"AMIA can assure consumers that this recall will not impact supply and that there will be an abundance of quality fruit in SA and throughout Australia, over the next few weeks and into the new year. This should also have no impact on current retail pricing," the association said.

"This week 587,000 trays of mangoes arrived in markets throughout the country. The recall was less than two percent (2%) of this volume.

"Shoppers can buy mangoes with confidence. The State and Federal Governments together with the Australian mango industry take biosecurity very seriously. There are strict processes in place to stop the spread of pests. This is an example of in the unlikely event that something is detected, it is recalled and destroyed swiftly."

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