Southern Hemisphere´s Harvest Trends week 39
Harvest conditions in the Southern Hemisphere week 39 -- 2010
Table grapes
The table grape season started late for the majority of the producer nations of the Southern Hemisphere, except South Africa, which is forecast to start its harvest in week 45 with Prime seedless, a week ahead of the same time in 2009.
In Brazil, the harvest has continued without major problems except for several rain storms this week, but they have not majorly influenced the condition of the fruit. The storms were followed by high temperatures, which has helped the bunches dry.
Peru is expected to start the Piura harvest in week 42.
In Chile, no major problems have been observed, except for lower temperatures int he last weeks of September, which have delayed the development of the vines.
In San Juan, Argentina, the Sugarone is in full bloom and it is estimated that the harvest will begin in the same period as last season, week 47. For all the growers in the Southern Hemisphere, the export estimates remain without changes, with a total estimate of 1.4 million tons, 12% more than 2009-10.
Harvests in Argentina and Uruguay are concentrated on the Valencia variety, while the Navels are finished.
In Chile, the orange harvest should end in one or two weeks. As of week 38, the country has exported 47,000 tons, 40% more than last season, an increase explained by the rise in production in new orchards and more shipments to the U.S.
Uruguay also posted more shipments in comparison with last seaon with 34% more, or 146,000 tons, while Argentina and South Africa only rose 2% (230,000 tons total) and 4% (756,000 tons total), respectively, as of week 38.
Australia’s exports are the only ones that fell this season, with a total of 58,000 tons, 35% less than the previous season. Among all the producer countries in the Southern Hemisphere, only Chile expects an early finish because its supply is mostly Navels. The other countries have a big supply of Valencias, which are still being harvested.
Source: iQonsulting/