Peru to see strong investments in blueberry production in 2011, exporter says

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Peru to see strong investments in blueberry production in 2011, exporter says

Starting next year, there will an “explosion” of investment in the production of blueberries as Peru looks to add the fruit to its portfolio of export crops, local agriculture news site reported.

Quoting Ernesto Escurra Sanz, the head of production of blueberries of fruit grower La Joyita, the website said that increased international demand and a higher selling price than grapes or avocados are the main drivers of interest in growing the fruit in Peru.

“Currently, international prices border around US $7 per kilogram, but during shortages we could see it sold up to US $12 per kilogram,” Escura Sanz is quoted as saying.

The company is focusing its offer on the Highbrush variety for export to the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany and eventually to Asia, he added.

Investment must be focused on acquiring more know-how and in technology that helps manage the delicate berry.

According to the report, Peru has some 70 hectares of blueberries already in production and has exported the berry since 2008, though mostly in the form of samples. Between January and September of this year, some 4.8 metric tons were exported for a FOB value of US $15,200.


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