Water issues to dominate 2011 citrus agenda in Australia
While 2010 brought an end to an eight-year drought in Eastern Australia, the issue of water in the Murray Darling Basin will continue to be one of the most important topics in 2011, according to Citrus Australia.
The industry organization sees the water basin issue debate –which puts environmental concerns against farm use rights- as a key issue, along with other areas such as funding for research and development, biosecurity, market access and “truth in labeling.” Citrus Australia has been an outspoken critic of the current plan for the Murry Darling Basin.
Citrus Australia expects that in 2011 the domestic market for fruit will also play a bigger role due to the low value of the U.S. dollar against its Australian counterpart.
Furthermore the association looks to improve access to Asian markets for Australian producers. To do so the group is focusing on implementing new pre- and post-harvest control methods.
Source: www.freshfruitportal.com