Chilean blueberry harvest centered in south
The central zone near Santiago is approaching the end of the blueberry season, and the central south region near Talca and ConcepciĂłn has the most activity. The region near Temuco, Valdivia and Puerto Montt has started harvesting activities.
NORTH ZONE (La Serena/ValparaĂso)
The season ended in week 51.
CENTRAL ZONE (Santiago/Rancagua)
This zone is entering the last phase of harvesting. The areas nearest Santiago would finish week 52, while the region near Rancagua is expected to end in week 51 or week 1, with the Duke variety.
CENTRAL-SOUTH ZONE (Talca/ConcepciĂłn)
This zone has the most harvesting activity. The Duke variety is almost finished near CuricĂł, with progress at 99%, while at Linares, progress is between 70% and 80%. For Brigitta, in CuricĂł, it is 50% done, in Linares, 20% done and in Parral, between 20% and 30%. Harvesting of late varieties such as Brightwell and Rabbiteye has started.
SOUTH ZONE (Temuco/Valdivia/Puerto Montt)
This zone just started the harvest. The Duke variety, whose harvest started in week 50, is 10% finished. During week 51, the first harvests of Berkeley took place near Temuco.
Source: Chilean Blueberry Committee/