Mexican opposition party to vote against FTA

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Mexican opposition party to vote against FTA

One of Mexico's opposition parties, the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), has vowed to vote against a potential free trade agreement (FTA) with Peru, Colombia and Brazil, reported website

PRD senator Antonio MejĂ­a Haro told the website the party would vote against the treaties on the grounds of food sovereignty, national public health, as well as food and plant sanitation.

Senator Antonio MejĂ­a Haro's PRD party has vowed to vote against the FTA

He told Zacatecasonline that analysis of previous Mexican FTAs showed 'truly disastrous' results.

"In terms of grain, milk, meat and the little that was saved like fruits and vegetables, with these agreements they are at risk," he was quoted as saying.

Economic Minister Bruno Ferrari has defended the FTA proposal on the grounds that 94% of Mexico's trade is to countries with which it holds existing FTAs. Ferrari recently came under attack from a consortium of agricultural and livestock institutions for ignoring their concerns.

Related story: Mexico's agriculture industry opposes free trade deal



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