SA grape exports to Europe rise in week 10

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SA grape exports to Europe rise in week 10

South Africa's table grape exports to Europe and the U.K. rose by 71% in week 10, according to statistics released by the South African Table Grape Industry (SATI).

As the season drew closer to its end the industry's grape exports to the region rose from 1,183,229 cartons to 2,025,801 cartons, while total shipments rose 28.9% to 2,819,434 cartons.

The shipments take the season's cumulative export figures to 38,661,297 cartons, while shipments for the week to South East Asia and the category 'Other Markets' were up 69.6% and 327% respectively compared to the same period in 2010.

The only export destination that recorded a fall in table grape exports for the week was the Middle East, with cumulative shipments of 2,012,637 now recorded for the season.


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