Expropriation debate heats up in SA
South Africa's constitutional review committee has announced it will 'pay more attention' to land reform proposals to give the government greater expropriation powers, reported Businessday.co.za.
The proposals were made by Mpumalanga community group Bathlakoane ba Manzimnyama, requesting the constitution's property clause be repealed and replaced with "a provision that will assist the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform to speed up the process of land reform in SA", the story reported.
"Bathlakoane submits that government should be given more powers to expropriate land from the minorities. The willing buyer, willing seller approach, as contained in the constitution, is unaffordable for government."
The story reported many similar submissions have occured in the past, which led the committee to decide to solicit expert opinions and hold public hearings.
One committee member, Democratic Alliance MP Hendrik Schmidt, told the website the property clause was the 'bedrock' of South Africa's constitutional democracy and his party would 'vehemently oppose' any changes to it, reported Businessday.co.za.
Related story: Namibian politican criticized for 'expropriation' statements
Photo: www.ibtimes.com
Source: www.freshfruitportal.com