Mexican violence affects lime trade

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Mexican violence affects lime trade

Correction - previously the headline was for 'lemon' trade as the original story referred to just 'limĂłn', which in Castillan Spanish means lemon. However, we have come to understand the article was actually referring to the 'limĂłn mexicano' which is a lime.

Lemon growers in the Mexican region of Tierra Caliente in Michoacan have reported cuts to lemon trade as a result of violent clashes, website reported.

Mexican Lemon Product System president Sergio Ramírez Castañeda, told the website violent acts in the city of Apatzingán and its surrounds  cut back citrus trade activities fell by 30% during the first day of fighting on May 23.

He said the damage to the sector was doubled on May 24 as farmers were scared to harvest lemons in  Buenavista, the story reported.

"In just two days these violent acts were enough to topple the lemon harvest by more than 50%, and if these things continue we're going to go bankrupt," he was quoted as saying.

He told the website he hoped the situation would be back to normal soon, as the sector was one of the most important in the region for supporting the economy and jobs.

Related story: Mexican mango region records 30% production rise

Photo: El Sol de Morelia

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