David Del Curto announces Peru push

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David Del Curto announces Peru push

Chilean company David Del Curto is set to expand operations into Peru, with alliances also planned in South Africa, New Zealand and Mexico, newspaper La Tercera reported.

Another local company Corso Group recently increased its holding in David Del Curto from 42% to 93.3% and is quickly making its mark.

Corso executive director Julio FernĂ¡ndez told La Tercera the company's five-year plan included the potential to plant avocadoes and grapes in Peru by 2016, which could include a 38,000 hectare property as part of the Olmos project.

"We want to be a reference not only in the region, but to think beyond the continent," FernĂ¡ndez was quoted as saying.

"A leader is needed, a group that paves the way, because Chile competes with Chile - there are 700 exporters with eyes on each other and ultimately the returns are bad."

David Del Curto could grow on land opened up by Peru's Olmos project

David Del Curto is Chile's largest fruit exporter in the hands of Chilean capital and is the third-largest in size behind Dole and Unifrutti.

FernĂ¡ndez said the company aimed to grow its own properties by 50% in five years,with only 30% of its current production taking place on farms it owned.

"Relying on producers has risks in terms of them delivering the fruit your want, so we prefer they are our own fields," he was quoted as saying.

The company currently exports between November and April but now wants to export for the whole year, moving into citrus and avocado production while raising the share of cherries, the story reported.

The business also plans to broaden its exdport destination market scope.

"We want to export all the fruit to China that we can possibly export. It's a large market with prices where you can get attractive margins," FernĂ¡ndez was quoted as saying.

Related story: Chilean company boost stake in David Del Curto

Photo: David Del Curto


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